Triple Click Photo | Seattle, WA | The Best Photobooth for Cosplay
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Upcoming Events

Here are all of the upcoming events where you can get your own photo. Be sure to fill out the request form at the bottom to request us at an event near you!


August 18-21, 2022

Emerald City Comic Con is the destination comic and pop culture show for the Pacific Northwest. ECCC delivers the best that the comics and pop culture industry has to offer directly from the creators, bringing super fans exactly what they crave: interaction with quality content and guests and an inclusive space to celebrate their fandom.

Rose City

September 9-11, 2022

Portland's premier pop-culture event, Rose City Comic Con is produced locally with a focus on creating a fun and friendly event for everyone! While our primary focus is that of comics, comic creators, and the creative process, Rose City Comic Con also provides its attendees with access to gaming, sci-fi, cosplay, anime, fantasy, and everything in between. Our goal is to provide you with a rewarding, fun, and family-friendly event experience.

Past Events

Dang. Sorry you missed us! We hope to attend a lot more cons in the near future.

WA SummerCon

June 17-19, 2022

Toys, Comic Books, Celebrities, Video Games, sci-fi, anime, movies, and so much more. The Absolutely-Can't-Miss-Event of the Summer. Special guests for 2019 include: Billy Dee Williams (Star Wars), Kristian Nairn (Game of Thrones), Veronica Taylor (Pokemon and Sailor Moon), Chris Claremont (Wolverine), Amanda Conner, Timothy Zahn, and far too many to list here. See the website for a full list of guest appearances and attractions.


November 15-17, 2019

Altonimbus Entertainment is proud to continue an annual tradition of bringing fans together for a jam-packed extravaganza of everything that it means to be a fan of anime and Japanese popular culture. Gaining its namesake (kumori) from the Japanese word "cloudy", Kumoricon embodies the best parts of fandom and what it is to live in the Pacific Northwest. The Kumoricon family is growing with every passing year, making us the largest anime convention in Oregon.

Jet City

October 26-27, 2019

The goal of Jet City Comic Show is to provide an affordable experience for fans and families. In addition to promoting the comic book industry and expand the awareness of comic books and their creators. But the absolute most important thing for us is for everyone to have fun and enjoyable experience!
Triple Click Photo

Triple Click Photo is run by Ben Lucas, photographer based in Seattle, WA. To see his main site, visit


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